HD Analog ISP

HD Analog ISP
Model Resolution CIS Video Inputs HDR Denoise Features Download
FH8333 3MP Bayer/RGBIR MIPI YES 2D/3D Support lower frame rate
FH8562 2MP Bayer/RCCB MIPI NO 2D/3D Support lower frame rate
FH8536HV200 2MP Bayer/RCCB MIPI/DVP NO 2D/3D Support lower frame rate
FH8538E 5MP Bayer MIPI NO 2D Audio uplink
FH8550M 2MP Bayer MIPI YES 2D/3D High Quality
FH8538M 5MP Bayer/RGBIR MIPI NO 2D High Quality
FH8556 8MP Bayer MIPI YES 2D/3D High Quality
FH8535 1MP Bayer/RGBIR DVP NO 2D Internal PMIC
FH8537 2MP Bayer/RGBIR DVP NO 2D Internal PMIC

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